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Welcome to the PromptMage tutorial! This tutorial will guide you through the basics of PromptMage, and show you how integrate it into your own LLM project.

Use case

For this tutorial, we want to build a simple multi-step LLM application. It contains multiple dependent steps, where the output of one step is used as the input for the next step. The application will be used to summarize an input text with extracting facts to summarize from.

The application will have the following steps:

  • Step 1: Extract facts from a given text
  • Step 2: Summarize the text using the extracted facts

We assume all the steps are implemented as separate Python functions that take input and return output in one python file

Step 1: Install PromptMage

First, we need to install PromptMage. You can install PromptMage using pip:

pip install promptmage

Step 2: Add PromptMage to your project

First, you need to add PromptMage to your project. You do that by adding the following to your file:

data_store = DataStore(backend=SQLiteDataBackend())
prompt_store = PromptStore(backend=SQLitePromptBackend())
# Create a new PromptMage instance
mage = PromptMage(
    name="fact-summarizer", prompt_store=prompt_store, data_store=data_store

Next, you need to define the prompts and dependencies between the steps. You can do that by adding the following code to the functions in the file:

@mage.step(name="extract", prompt_name="extract_facts", depends_on=None)
def extract_facts(article: str, prompt: Prompt) -> str:
    return facts
@mage.step(name="summarize", prompt_name="summarize_facts", depends_on="extract")
def summarize_facts(facts: str, prompt: Prompt) -> str:
    return summary

Now you can access the prompts within the functions using the prompt argument. The prompt argument is an instance of the Prompt class, which provides methods to interact with the prompt. By default we have a system and a user prompt available by prompt.system and prompt.user respectively. The prompts are later created in the web UI.

You don't need to worry about saving the prompts and data, PromptMage will take care of that for you.

Step 3: Run the application

Now you can run the application by


This will start the PromptMage web UI, where you can interact with the prompts and run and see the output of the steps.